Thursday, March 13, 2014

MATS-More Sketches!

We got our main assignment for March this week from MATS. We are to design a piece of bolt fabric! I did not know what bolt fabric was until I looked it up. For those who are not familiar, it is bulk fabric you buy from craft/fabric stores and it is used for a wide array of projects. Bolt fabric comes in many different designs, lots of really fun designs especially. We were given a website to check out Purl Soho, a yarn and fabric shop located in SoHo, New York City (which I will be visiting soon). :-)
Luckily, while working on this project, I am also reading a great book from Pattern People called Pattern Design & Beyond, which gives all sorts of info on the textile industry, including terminology used in the industry, print/pattern categories, popular types of prints and standards, and also official names of repeat prints you commonly see on clothing, etc. Repeat After Me is another great book they offer.
Anyway, here are some more sketches I did to prepare for our main assignment. I spend a lot of time concepting (still concepting in fact). I am getting started on the color portion at the end of this week
and will be posting the art for that soon.

My favorite page of sketches

We are encouraged to try hand drawn type. It can help your piece go from good to great!

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