Monday, August 11, 2014

Big Art Update 3~Make Art That Sells July Assignment

Make Art That Sells July Assignment: Favorite Beverage!

For our final assignment in Make Art That Sells we were given a fun, personal project to illustrate and play on the subject of our favorite beverage. The assignment didn't target any particular market or client. We were challenged in the Mini to draw one beverage a day and to draw on different surfaces, such as an old envelope, a brown paper bag, canvas paper or maybe a different kind of paper from the art store that we've never used. The final could be any size, shape and in any color palette we found inspiring.

My final submitted to the Make Art That Sells July Gallery:


To start off with the Mini, I created a list of my favorite beverages. My list included beverages such as coffee, tea (and bubble tea, green tea, Thai iced tea...) wine, smoothies, etc... I did a lot of sketching for the Mini and just really tried to loosen up for the final assignment. I started off with the one (or two, or three) beverages a day challenge:

"In wine there is truth."

I then tried drawing on a cardboard surface:

I love white ink on a brown/neutral surface.

Final sketch stages:

After seeing some cool reference photos of stylized teapots I was inspired to create a teapot illustration. Pinterest is a great website to create reference/inspiration boards for your artwork!

Reflecting on this class I saw a lot of improvement in my work and it was great to do work for my portfolio again. I love doing personal illustration assignments because they are a great way to practice and your individuality as an artist comes though. I definitely saw my style evolve and change (in a great way) and I feel my confidence in digital media has grown.
Make Art That Sells Assignment Bootcamp is being offered again next winter, I would love to take the class again and stretch myself even further. The class is definitely challenging but it is a great experience! :-)

In the next post I will talk about the May and June assignments!

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